Terms of warranty

Nowy Konik, 16.12.2022


Firma Bogdan Kamiński Abar Eksport Import, ul. Podgórna, nr 11a, 05-074 Nowy Konik, NIP: 5320016844 Regon: 010486360

2.Warranty period

The warranty period for the furnitire is 24 months from the date of receipt of the furniture/order.

The warranty period for mechanism used for ClickBed furniture is 10 years, provided that the guarantor has performed the installation. In any other case, the warranty period is 24 months.

The warranty period for the Amber Dream mattress is 10 years.

The warranty does not cover mechanical demage causes by improper use.

3.Warranty Repair:

The warranty is fulfillded by repairing or, if this is not possible, by replacing the components with new ones.
The complaints should be reported in writing to the guarantor’s address, by e-mail to info@clickbed.pl or by phone: +48 227731981, +48 227731995.

The guarantor has 14 (fourteen) days to respond to a complaint. The guarantor shall ensure that the items accepted for warranty repair are collected. The time for repair is up to 30 (thirty) days, but the guarantor reserves the right to extend this period due to the facct that some components are imported.

The wrranty does not exclude, limit or suspen the rights of the customed under warranty provisions for defects in the sold item.