
How to choose a side bed for a room?

jak dobrać półkotapczan do pokoju

jak dobrać półkotapczan

How to choose a side bed for a room? Before you click the “buy” button, consider several key aspects.

Here’s a little step-by-step cheat sheet on what you should do to make the right choice:

Room dimensions: The most important step is to carefully measure the available space in the room. You should take into account not only the space for a built-in half-bed, but also the space that the bed will take up when unfolded.

Style and design: The side bed should match the overall style of the room. There are various models of side beds available on the market – from classic, through minimalist, to modern.

Folding mechanism: It is important to choose a model with an easy-to-use mechanism. Good models have hydraulic mechanisms and brakes that enable easy and smooth unfolding and folding of the bed.

półkotapczan poziomyAdditional functions: Some side beds have additional functions, such as a table, a library shelf, a desk or a sofa, which is very popular in Poland. 2-in-1 solutions of this type significantly increase the functionality of the furniture, especially in small rooms.
Materials: Make sure you choose a side bed made of durable and high-quality materials. It should be solid, stable and guarantee comfortable sleep.
Mattress: Choosing the right mattress is crucial for sleeping comfort. Make sure the mattress is suitable for your needs and fits the dimensions of the side  bed.
Safety: Modern side beds are equipped with various safety mechanisms to prevent accidental folding. Be sure that the model you choose is safe to use.

półkotapczan pionowy


Budget: Of course, it is also important to adapt the choice to your own financial possibilities. The prices of half divans can vary greatly depending on the manufacturer, quality and additional functions.
Opinions and recommendations: Before making a choice, it is worth looking for opinions from other users or seeking advice from furniture specialists.
Place of purchase: You can choose between purchasing a ready-made model in a furniture store or ordering custom-made furniture. The second option is especially valuable if you have unusual room dimensions or very specific expectations regarding the design and functionality of the bed.

Do You know how to choose a side bed for a room? We will help you create the perfect design. And then we will make it happen. 😉

We are a company that meets all these requirements point by point. We offer various models of beds at different prices, adapted to the financial capabilities of our customers. We choose a mattress. We design custom-made structures. We prepare projects from A to Z and implement them from A to Z ,too. We are the only company on the market that offers a 10-year warranty on our half-beds. And we ship them all over the world! It’s time to make the right choice!